10 Responses to Understanding ‘User Needs’ a Mobile Social Network can satisfy

  1. Paul Moss says:

    Some good thoughts, tho i have to disagree with any ‘necessity’ for the phonebook to involved.
    Our experience has shown that phonebooks, while they do include ‘a’ circle of people to stay in touch with, dont necessarily define ones desired circle of contacts.

    Typically a social environment goes beyond friends, and includes following and followers. people you have very little relation too beyond a shared interest in a posted subject. There’s no way that Robert Scoble appears in my phonebook, yet i’d include him in most social networks i use, and would on mobile too.

  2. Charusmitha Ram says:

    Paul, the way you describe the function of your “phone book” looks like you are assuming your mobile device to have only phone related capabilities. But what if the functional use of your mobile device could go beyond that so you can manage your social networks as well while you’re mobile. Then, your desktop and mobile device would become seamless. I think the “contact list” concept definitely lays the foundation of social computing via mobile devices.

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  5. Sachendra, great stuff, I think you have hit on several of the key criteria for successful Mobile Social Networks.

    I think the key thing you are not mentioning is the need for Mobile – Web integration. I don’t think users in general will want to use one tool on the web and another on their phone. Successful 2.0 services of the future will have to seamlessly integrate the web and mobile experiences, so users get the best of both depending on where they are and what they are doing. Only a few like LinkedIn’s iPhone app does this today.

    You have inspired me to write an entry on my blog about this issue.

  6. Excellent point Christian. I’m surprised I missed something so basic, thanks for bringing it up.

  7. MySpace recently introduced an ad-supported mobile version of its site and Facebook also has expanded into mobile, allowing users to update their profiles from mobile devices and to be alerted when they receive messages from their friends. Facebook’s mobile user base is growing faster than the website. Recently Google acquires mobile social networking start-up Zingku and blogging site Jaiku.And now it offers a mobile service that shares information about a user’s location and helps them find friends in their local area.

    Another interesting articvle on SNS

    “Social networking has potential to drive mobile revenues, but also to add to network woes” http://www.informatm.com/itmgcontent/icoms/s/sectors/mobile-content-apps/20017480656.html

  8. Mohtashim,

    The trend you’ve highlighted is in consensus with eMarketer survey on mobile social networking which points out that this space will be dominated by existing social networks

    Mobile Social Networking on the rise

  9. Mohtashim says:


    You are absolutely correct. I just want to highlight the popularity of SNS on mobile phones which accounts for almost 40% of world mobile web traffic.Thanks for providing other blog link

  10. sandrar says:

    Hi! I was surfing and found your blog post… nice! I love your blog. 🙂 Cheers! Sandra. R.

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